In preparation for the upcoming opening of its new Women’s Center, Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, Florida, announces that it is completing the transition to a gender-responsive model of treatment in order to better serve its clients. Read more here:
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Philip Hemphill has been featured in Jacksonville Magazine. Read more about it here:
Substance Abuse among Healthcare Professionals a Challenge in Diagnosis, Treatment and Recovery
Over the past two decades, prescription drug abuse in the United States has nearly quadrupled. Only recently, however, has public perception truly grasped what is now referred to as an epidemic. Within that epidemic, it is those responsible for treatment who find themselves so often subject to abuse and addiction. It’s a problem, according to […]

Addiction Professional Magazine: Tougher sledding for recovering professionals
by Shannon Brys, Associate Editor, Addiction Professional

Physicians: Take a Vacation
Sometimes the best thing for you – and those around you – is to get out of the office and travel.