Hemphill, P. (2021) Integrated Care in Addiction Treatment. Routledge Press: New York, NY.
Hemphill, P., Courtois, C.A., Gold, M., Polles, A., & Edwards, D (2021). The treatment of therapist who sexually offend. In Steinberg, A.L., Alpert, J., and Courtois, C.A. (Eds.), Sexual Boundary Violations in Psychotherapy: Facing Therapist Indiscretions, Transgressions, and Misconduct. American Psychological Association press.
Hemphill, P. & Reynolds, M. (2020). The impact and sequelae of sexual victimization of graduate and professional students. Current Psychopharmacology, 9, 1-10.
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Polles, A. and Hemphill, P (2008) American College of Physician Executives Annual Conference. Taming Disruptive Behavior in Physicians.(video)
Polles, A. and Hemphill, P. (2007) Federation of State Medical Boards: 2007 Web Series Seminar. Treating Physicians with Disruptive Behavior.(order here)
Polles, A. and Hemphill, P. (Summer 2006) Highlights of the American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs. The psychological impact of the 2005 disaster on gulf coast attorneys.
Hemphill, P. (July, 2006) Recovery Today. Men revisiting and resolving trauma.
Hastings, T., Anderson, S., & Hemphill, P. (1997) Comparison of daily stress, coping, problem behavior, and cognitive distortions in adolescent sex offenders and conduct disordered youth. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 9(1), 29-42.
Hemphill, P. (1993) Treating the juvenile sex offender. Masters and Johnson Report, Vol. 2, No. 1, Summer